Fwd: [ADS-L] GAY-BASHING query

Arnold M. Zwicky zwicky at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU
Mon Nov 27 19:24:20 UTC 2006

i happen to have a good friend who's now archivist at the ONE
National Gay and Lesbian Archives in los angeles, so i appealed to
him for help on this topic

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Michael P. Palmer" <michaelp at onearchives.org>
> Date: November 27, 2006 10:50:35 AM PST
> To: zwicky at csli.stanford.edu
> Subject: Re: [ADS-L] GAY-BASHING query
> The electronic (searchable) version of the Advocate begins in 1996,
> far too late for your uses.  However, EBSCO's GLBT Life database
> contains bibliographic data for the Advocate from 1967, so you
> should be able to determine when the various terms were first used
> in *headlines* or "titles" (I believe that "queer-bashing" appears
> in a 1974 headline/title, though I can't just now put my finger on
> the appropriate issue).

is anyone here subscribed to EBSCO (http://www.epnet.com/)?

> The only electronic editions of GLBT periodicals for the period
> prior to 1980 of which I'm aware are our own ONE Magazine
> (electronic edition for 1953-1967) and Tangents (electronic edition
> for 1965-1970).  (Tangents was published by a group that broke away
> from ONE Magazine.)  Both are available through EBSCO's GLBT Life
> with Full Text database.
> We do, in fact, have a Subject File on "Gay Bashing", containing
> newspaper clippings, journal articles, etc., which I'll be happy to
> check, if you give me a terminus ante quem (I'll ignore anything
> after that date)...

i suggested 1979-80 as the terminus.

> Unfortunately, the vast majority of our newspaper clippings and
> similar materials have never been filed--there are over 120 letter-
> by-legal boxes of unfiled materials in my office alone, and perhaps
> another 250 scattered throughout the building (except for myself
> and my two colleagues this is still an all-volunteer organization,
> and getting volunteers to file is almost impossible).
> I am just remembering that last week I came across two binders of
> newspaper clippings from the 1970's on anti-gay violence.  Again,
> if you give me a year past which you don't want me to look, I'll
> check everything earlier.

so michael is on the case.

> --
> Michael P. Palmer, Archives Project Director
> ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives
> 909 West Adams Boulevard
> Los Angeles, CA 90007
> michaelp at onearchives.org
> Tel. 213-741-0094
> Fax 213-741-0220

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