Texas phrases (If ifs and buts were candy and nuts...merry Christmas)

Dennis R. Preston preston at MSU.EDU
Thu Nov 30 12:03:49 UTC 2006


What's annoying about it? I attribute pert nigh everything I say
that's of any folk value to my "old daddy," usually prefacing it with
"As my old daddy used to say...." My students even made me a t-shirt
with some the more delightful ones on the back.


ME: When you gone finish that dang dissertation proposal?

STUDENT: Well, I hope....

ME: As my old daddy used to say, hope in one hand and shit in the
other and see which fills up first.


>---------------------- Information from the mail header
>Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
>Poster:       Wilson Gray <hwgray at GMAIL.COM>
>Subject:      Re: Texas phrases (If ifs and buts were candy and nuts...merry
>               Christmas)
>Re: An East Texas slogan: "has become his own bluebird on the ground."
>In black East Texas, the saying is: "has got a bird's nest on the
>ground." It's one of my mother's most annoying sayings, inasmuch as
>she never fails to credit it to her father, "As Daddy used to say,
>'You've got a bird's nest on the ground.'" FWIW, her father was born
>in 1877.
>On 11/28/06, Bapopik at aol.com <Bapopik at aol.com> wrote:
>>  ---------------------- Information from the mail header
>>  Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
>>  Poster:       Bapopik at AOL.COM
>>  Subject:      Texas phrases (If ifs and buts were candy and nuts...merry
>>                Christmas)
>>  My website (_www.barrypopik.com_ (http://www.barrypopik.com) ) had  14,579
>>  hits yesterday, on 5,667 visits. If this keeps up, I can afford a Texas
>>  Jack-in-the-Box meal every day!...I still have NY ads in my Texas
>>section.  So much
>>  for Google keywords.
>>  ...
>>  Maybe someone can help on Texas phrase (only cite):
>>  ...
>>  ...
>>  22 March 1975, Port Arthur (TX) <i>News</i>, "Don Meredith the  actor -- the
>>  only way is up," pg. 16:
>>  Dandy Don, once described by a member of the press as resident humorist,
>>  country philosopher and sometime Cosell-baiter during four seasons on ABC's
>>  Monday Night Football, has become his own bluebird on the ground
>>-- an East  Texas
>>  slogan meaning he doesn't have to climb the tree to pick the eggs  anymore.
>>  ...
>>  ...
>>  I looked at the Yale Dictionary of Quotations, and "Don Meredith" is not
>>  there. No "turn out the lights, the party's over"? So, I checked "Willie
>>  Nelson," the song's author. No Willie Nelson??
>>  ...
>>  No "If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry  Christmas"??
>>  ...
>>  FYI, some recent Texas phrase posts (any help appreciated):
>>  ...
>>  d_nuts_wed_all_have_a_merry_christmas/_
>>  )
>>  ...
>>  _
>>  ...
>>  s_over/_
>>  ...
>>  _can_bury_him_in_a_matchbox/_
>>  ...
>>  me_cuz_ive_seen_it_but_for_my_7_year_old/_
>>  r_old/)
>>  ...
>  > eat_he_wouldnt_have_invented_steak_sauce/_
>>  sauce/)
>>  ------------------------------------------------------------
>>  The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org
>All say, "How hard it is that we have to die"---a strange complaint to
>come from the mouths of people who have had to live.
>-Sam Clemens
>The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

It should be the chief aim of a university professor to exhibit
himself [sic] in his own true character - that is, as an ignorant man
thinking, actively utilizing his small share of knowledge. Alfred
North Whitehead

Dennis R. Preston
University Distinguished Professor
Department of English
Morrill Hall 15-C
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1036 USA
Office: (517) 353-4736
Fax: (517) 353-3755

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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