idiom blends

Arnold M. Zwicky zwicky at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU
Sun Oct 1 15:29:14 UTC 2006

over on soc.motss, Robert Coren catches two idiom blends:


In article...,  <chris.ambidge at> wrote:

  >In the late 1970s, I was in graduate school at the University of
Western Ontario, in London.  At this point, I realised that I was not
heterosexual, but (self awareness not being my long shot...)<

This is not exactly an eggcorn, I suppose, but it's one of those, I
guess you could call them, mixed idioms.

(I'm reminded of one I heard the other day, from that most fertile
source of linguistic anomaly, a sports analyst: "There's no two ways
around it, he didn't pitch very well.")


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