spelling pronunciation exercises

FRITZ JUENGLING juengling_fritz at SALKEIZ.K12.OR.US
Wed Oct 4 17:01:57 UTC 2006

Interesting analysis

> >NO!  At least not to my ears.  To me, "w", as in
>"whale", is (oo), the double "o" either weakly
>volcalized, or not vocalized at all but a rounding of
>the lips in preparation for the following exhalation
>of the "h"!

>Tom Z's pronunciation would put the (oo) after the "h"
>and create two sylabls; h(oo)-ich, h(oo)-ut, h(oo)-y,

Yes, it would put (oo) after the "h", but it does not create two
syllables.  For example, people have been saying monosyllabic 'what'
[hwaet]  (choose your vowel, depending on the time period) for

Fritz J

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