Q: Emergence of "American English"

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Mon Oct 9 22:00:42 UTC 2006

[off-list]  Thanks, Ben!

Did you find this via Google Book Search?  With what search
terms?  Or did you know the source before-hand?


At 10/9/2006 03:24 PM, you wrote:
>On 10/9/06, Joel S. Berson <Berson at att.net> wrote:
>>John Clive and Bernard Bailyn wrote in 1954 "By 1754, the emergence
>>of American English, adversely commented on as early as 1735, was so
>>far advanced that the suggestion was made, facetiously, that a
>>glossary of American terms be compiled."
>>Who commented in 1735?
>>Who suggested a glossary of American terms in 1754?
>>Might I find the answers (or other interesting information about 18th
>>c. American speech) in M.M. Mathews, ed., "The Beginnings of American
>>English" (1931)?
>Try Allen Walker Read's "British Recognition of American Speech in the
>Eighteenth Century" in _Dialect Notes_ Vol. VI, 1933, reprinted in
>_Perspectives on American English_ ec. by Joey Lee Dillard.
>The 1735 comment appears to be from Francis Moore (see footnote 37, _A
>Voyage to Georgia: Begun in the Year 1735_). The 1754 comment is from
>Richard Owen Cambridge in _The World_ (see first page of Read's essay
>and footnote 1 -- confusingly, the Dillard edition has 1774 in the
>main text and 1754 in the footnote).
>--Ben Zimmer
>The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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