Missing messages (part 2)

sagehen sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM
Thu Sep 7 16:22:35 UTC 2006

 RonButters writes:

>The missing messages finally arrived at 11:57 pm. some 8 hours late, Does
>anyone have an explanation for this phenomenon? Am I the only one that this
>happens to? Could it be a problem with AOL?
Can't say about AOL, having never used it, but long delays in message
delivery have happened to me fairly often.  In one or two cases, delays of
several days.  Even though my husband & I have different addresses under
the same overall account with our ISP & both subscribe, in one case, to the
same listserv,  our messages may come in at greatly separated times.
 In the case of ADS-L, sometimes my acknowledgments  are quite late in
coming, & sometimes come back within seconds, even though the post itself
may not come for hours (I sub for individual posts, not the digest).
Your posts to ADS-L this morning  arrived here within minutes of their
sending.   (Your habit of heading them "Re:       Re:[ADS-L], &c", however
defeats my sorting  facility when I want to gather one thread together for

~@:>   ~@:>   ~@:>   ~@:>

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