"Kitchen table "

Barnhart barnhart at HIGHLANDS.COM
Mon Sep 11 22:27:35 UTC 2006

The earliest Nexis example I found is:

Sarah Harder, president of the American Association of University Women,
told a conference of women leaders in Iowa in January that women will be
voting "kitchen table issues" in the 1988 election. Not women's issues,
not bread and butter issues, but kitchen table issues. "They come," said
Harder, "from the center of family life."   It's got a nice ring to it.
The kitchen table is not where you discuss aid to the contras. It's where
people balance their checkbooks, go over youngsters' report cards, sort
out child care arrangements, make lists of things to do and talk on the
phone with far-flung siblings over how to care for elderly parents-and who
will do it.  Judy Mann, "A Kitchen Table Issue," The Washington Post
(Nexis), April 6, 1988, p C3

That's not as early as it "feels".  But my gray matter may be wholly.


barnhart at highlands.com

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