elastics, tennies, and 'meant to have'

Alice Faber faber at HASKINS.YALE.EDU
Sun Sep 24 23:31:00 UTC 2006

Jonathan Lighter wrote:
> The coated ponytail things are also (to my mind) "elastics" and "elastic bands," but if I were speaking unrehearsed I think I'd be likely to describe one as "_some kind of _ elastic band" !

My sister calls them "hair doogers" (OO as in food). When I talk about
them outside the family, I have to translate, usually to something like
"pony tail thingies".

Alice Faber
faber at haskins.yale.edu
Haskins Laboratories                                  tel: (203)
865-6163 x258
New Haven, CT 06511 USA                                     fax (203)

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