preadolescent "tortures"

Benjamin Zimmer bgzimmer at BABEL.LING.UPENN.EDU
Sat Sep 30 18:34:09 UTC 2006

On 9/30/06, Geoffrey Nunberg <nunberg at> wrote:
> I've been trying to dredge up the names of some of the "tortures" we
> inflicted on one another when I was eight or nine. I recall the
> Indian wrist burn (sometimes called the Chinese wrist burn, if memory
> serves, where you twisted your hands around someone's wrists in
> opposite directions), and an Indian scalp something-or-other.

HDAS has "Indian burn" (applied to the forearm) and "Dutch rub" or
"Indian rub" (applied to the head).

Many more listed here:

--Ben Zimmer

The American Dialect Society -

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