" Olive, the other reindeer"; was Re: "Trolling" for "Trawling": An Eggcorn?

James Harbeck jharbeck at SYMPATICO.CA
Fri Aug 3 03:19:46 UTC 2007

>Well, there's that line from the Messiah in which the singer admits
>"For we like sheep"

"All we like sheep," actually. And all we in the Toronto Mendelssohn
Choir, which sings this several times every December, joke about that
line all the time. "We all like sheep" is common.

That particular chorus has has rather fast arpeggios that might be
heard as emulating the bleating of sheep... though nobody has ever
really pointed that out that I can recall. If sung nicely, it
shouldn't _really_ sound like sheep, anyway!

James Harbeck.

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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