Nobel Prize for Archaeological Grammar

Laurence Urdang urdang at SBCGLOBAL.NET
Tue Aug 21 13:11:01 UTC 2007

Heard today on WOR710, 0505, by Shelley Strickler:
  for "dove":
  "I scuba-dived in Cancun."
  I wonder if I shall ever again hear "me" instead of "I" in contexts like, "He sent it to I and my brother" (let alone the inherent rudeness of mentioning oneself before another or others, clearly a relic in the annals of politeness).
  I can tolerate anything as a professional linguist; but as a professional writer who tries to cleave to an elevated style, I abhor such linguistic miscegenations.
  L. Urdang

The American Dialect Society -

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