More 19th Cent obscenities

ronbutters at AOL.COM ronbutters at AOL.COM
Wed Dec 5 21:12:24 UTC 2007

I think that there was a (East?) German linguist in the 1970s whose family name was "Fuck."

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: "Mullins, Bill AMRDEC" <Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL>

Date:         Wed, 5 Dec 2007 14:22:38
Subject:      [ADS-L] More 19th Cent obscenities (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Moving slightly OT:

Is anyone familiar with a German (or other Northern Europe) nickname or
first name that, when written in longhand script, would look like
"Fuck"?  I entered that term into the database, and have
found a number of people who immigrated to America (mostly mid 1800's,
into eastern ports) with apparently the first name "Fuck".  Some are
Chinese (Sam Fuck, Han Fuck, Chen Fuck, Fuck Kee Lee, Wan Fuck, Wong
Fuck), which I could believe.  But the rest strike me as odd:  Anna Fuck
from Germany, Fuck Carlson from Sweden, Fuck Gross from Belgium, Fuck
Lunbeck from Germany, Fuck Scharpf from Belgium.  I'm pretty sure it's
not "Frank".  Was Frck a common abbreviation for Frederick? (although
the second letter of the word in question doesn't look like other "r"s
on the page).
Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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