"Stallion": minor correction of Spears

Wilson Gray hwgray at GMAIL.COM
Sun Feb 18 21:02:22 UTC 2007

Spears, in _Slang and Euphemism_, defines "stallion" as used in BE
slang as "a beautiful and sexually attractive black woman." This is
correct, as far as it goes, but a stallion has to be *plus-sized.*
Think Chaka Khan or Queen Latifah. E.g., Halle Berry is a fox, but she
ain't no stallion. It's not necessary that the woman be black. Any
"fine" or "fine and healthy" (both of these  terms are missing from
S&E) B[ig]B[eautiful]W[oman] is a stallion. Cf. the late, great Anna
Nicole Smith. (MTV Cribs is on in the background and Ice-T, by the
sheerest coincidence, has just revealed that a headshot of Britney
Spears hangs over his bed.)

I have no idea why "stallion" is used in this meaning instead of
"mare," as would be expected. I've pondered this question for dekkids.
Iss jess one uh them black thangs that even black folk don't
understand, I reckon.

FWIW, Russian slang uses _kobyla_ "mare" in a similar sense.

All say, "How hard it is that we have to die"---a strange complaint to
come from the mouths of people who have had to live.
-Sam'l Clemens

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