comic strip words revisited
Jonathan Lighter
wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM
Mon Jan 1 16:01:44 UTC 2007
Smokey Stover's strip (not "Gasoline Alley," home of Skeezix) was discussed here some months ago. The strip always had its hip boots on to my mind.
For "Nov shmoz ka pop," see .
Wilson Gray <hwgray at GMAIL.COM> wrote:
---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Dialect Society
Poster: Wilson Gray
Subject: Re: comic strip words revisited
"Jeep" was the vocalization or cry of the jeep, an imaginary - if
that's not redundant - creature featured in the strip, Thimble
Theater, now better known under the name of its featured player, the
great Popeye, the sailor man, who was who he was and that's all that
he was: Popeye, the sailor man, strong to the finish 'cause he ate his
spinach, Popeye, the sailor man.
BTW, wasn't it the case that Smoky Stover has his own, eponymous
strip? He was a fireman who wore his helmet backward and he was
always booted, though not to the hip.
On 12/28/06, Laurence Horn wrote:
> ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
> Sender: American Dialect Society
> Poster: Laurence Horn
> Subject: comic strip words revisited
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Today's Zippy the Pinhead (courtesy of the Washington Post), a strip
> called "Schluburbia" contains this exchange:
> Nov shmoz ka pop?
> Notary sojac!
> Nize baby! Banana oil! Jeep!
> Potrzebie! Axolotl! Fershlugginer!
> Everything I know I learned from old comic strips...
> (Some of these I recall from my old Mad Magazine subscription in the 50s.)
> LH
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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