OT: survey of the academics

Bethany K. Dumas dumasb at UTKUX.UTCC.UTK.EDU
Thu Jan 4 03:14:37 UTC 2007

On Wed, 3 Jan 2007, David Bergdahl quoted/wrote:

>> So which is <terminal>?

>I'd say (depending on the job applied for--the only place the question comes
>up--) the terminal degrees are
>Ph.D. English (concentration in Lx) and J.D.  If you're working as an
>academic, the PhD, as a lawyer, the JD

Of course. I was being obliquely funny. At my J.D. hooding, the Dean
told me always to wear the J.D. hood on top. (Of course, one never
wears two of them at the same time.) There is occasionally a bit of
tension locally re the two degrees - I'll let you guess where the most
tension is generated.


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