Bolo Ties & String Ties

Jonathan Lighter wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM
Thu Jan 4 20:47:42 UTC 2007

I now see what you mean, Barry.  The bolo is a kind of "string tie," to be sure, though not the kind envisioned by the OED.


Bapopik at AOL.COM wrote:
  ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Dialect Society
Poster: Bapopik at AOL.COM
Subject: Bolo Ties & String Ties

But is a "string tie" a "Colonel Sanders tie" and not really a bolo tie?
(Use Google images for "Colonel Sanders" and "bolo tie.")
(Oxford English Dictionary)
string tie orig. U.S., a very narrow necktie worn as a bow
1895 Montgomery Ward Catal. Spring & Summer 95/2 Men's folding
*string ties.
25 May 1878, Portsmouth (OH) Times, pg. 2, col. 7:
White Lawn String Ties, 5 cents apiece.
10 December 1881, San Antonio (TX) Daily Express, pg.1 ad:
Fancy and Black String Ties and Bows in great variety.
13 December 1890, Daily Morning Republican (Fresno, CA), pg. 2 ad:
We have the latest styles in String Ties, Bows, Long Ties, Windsors,
Four-in-Hands, and in fact in every style at most reasonable prices.
28 June 1959, Nevada State Journal (Reno, NV), pg. 21 ad:
western bolo or string ties
now $1
Western bolo ties or string ties for the whole family.

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