"fur bikini"

Charles Doyle cdoyle at UGA.EDU
Tue Jan 9 14:29:20 UTC 2007

Insomniac TV was showing Hugh Hefner's 80th (!) birthday. His current girlfriend--buxom (of course), blonde (naturally?), and mid-twentyish--had organized a party for Hef. She had invited several elderly Playmates from the 1970s, who (she explained matter-of-factly) had posed in the magazine in the old-fashioned style--in "fur bikinis." That is, they did not shave (or otherwise depilate) their pubic area.

The term was new to me! However, it does appear in Urban Dictionary--along with an astonishing number of other "fur" phrases. Of Google's 15,700 hits for "fur bikini," the majority seem to entail literal uses of the term.


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