"Axis of Evil" antedating (1941)

Sam Clements SClements at NEO.RR.COM
Wed Jan 10 02:41:35 UTC 2007

While browsing Google News stories a few minutes ago, I ran across a story that alleges(in the headline) that David Frum, GWBush's speechwriter "invented" the phrase for Bush's Jan. 2002 State of the union address.  http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3350042,00.html 

The YBOQ echoes this.

Using Newspaperarchive,  we find two different earlier newpaper stories using the phrase.

_Van Wert(OH) Bulletin, 10 Feb. 1941, an article by Edwin C. Hill, a King Features Syndicate writer:

   "Down through the centuries, war and pestilence were interacting, and alied--an axis of evil from the days of the Dawn Man to this day.........."


_Winnipeg Free Press_ 20 May 1943, what appears to be an editorial:

     "The organization of large-scale war against Japan will have no counterpart in the annals of military science.  The task is enormous.  The lines of supply will be the longest ever seen, and the enemy is fanatic, obstinate and brave.  But across the seas, through swamp and jungle, over mountains and in the air the devastating strength of the United Nations will be in due course directed against the cruel and pretentious claims of imperial Japan whose doom will be as overwhelming and complete as that which is destined for the European end of the Axis of evil."

Of course, no one could have forseen the bomb.  [or the Spanish Inquisition  :)   ]

Sam Clements

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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