Overdog (NYC's Con Ed)

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Fri Jan 19 18:30:55 UTC 2007

UNDERDOG--8,660,000 Google hits
OVERDOG-- 50,200 Google hits
FWIW, here's an "overdog" (in this case, NYC energy provider Con Ed). OED's
definition of "top dog" or "favorite" is a little simplistic,  IMHO.
"Overdog" is more like an embattled top dog...I ran  with Michael Bloomberg, and he
never talked to me and I could never contact him.  He seems to love celebrities
and CEOs ("overdogs"), but this is  ridiculous.

overdog, n.

 = top dog s.v. _TOP_
&ps=n.&homonym_no=1)  n.1 34. Cf. _UNDERDOG_
type=alpha&xrefword=underdog&ps=n.)   n.
1908  Westm. Gaz. 17 Oct.  5/1 But the smart terrier was an Overdog, And knew
a trick worth  two of that. 1938  Richmond (Va.)  Times-Dispatch 6 Apr. 8/4
It's contrary to all  instinct, yet, as one looks over the world today, one has
to feel sorry for the  overdogs. 1993  Coloradoan (Fort Collins)  21 Feb.
E2/5 It was my fate  to have achieved overdog status.


_Happy New Year_
U.S. News & World Report, DC -   <N
The underdog was always  virtuous, the overdog always the villain. Too many
journalists  covering the Duke case couldn't get out of this "progressive"  ...

_Sheep, Wolves, Sheepdogs, and Politics_
The Conservative Voice, NC -   <NO
And given that the USA  is generally the overdog, this puts Carter always on
the side of  those who oppose the USA. Strangely, Carter doesn't seem to note



January 19, 2007 -- Mayor Mike sure seems to enjoy sticking his thumb in New
Yorkers' eyes.
First, he tells them they should be grateful to Con Ed CEO Kevin Burke  for
last summer's nine-day blackout in Queens, which a state agency this week  said
socked as many as 175,000 people.
Then, yesterday, he says it's no use to sanction the utility, because
consumers will suffer - paying more for electricity or getting shoddier service.
In other words, in Mike's view, no one's to be held responsible for  this
Tough luck, Queens, you're stuck with no means of redress.

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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