Another News Item -- Was RE: Breeding

Arnold M. Zwicky zwicky at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU
Fri Jun 1 18:32:25 UTC 2007

On Jun 1, 2007, at 7:55 AM, Doug Harris wrote:

> But my point, addressing the highlighted sentence in your
> reply, always was that that's what editors are for.
> The quality of newspaper editing has dropped precipitously
> since it became possible to simply take a wire feed and
> pour it into a news hole on your web site...

>>> there's still a problem in writing here, but    <<
>>> it's just the very ordinary one of writers      <<
>>> not seeing an ambiguity that might be trouble-  <<
>>> some.

i didn't appreciate that your critique was primarily directed at the

but of course if editors did look at this sentence, they might well
have seen no problem.  i didn't, when i first read it, and that was
even out of context.


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