For words ending in "-ity" is it ~t or ~d

Gordon, Matthew J. GordonMJ at MISSOURI.EDU
Tue Jun 12 00:42:49 UTC 2007

You mean they should recognize it by putting a general statement in their pronunciation guide regarding this well-known allophonic variation? Maybe something like:

"In some contexts, as when a stressed or unstressed vowel precedes and an unstressed vowel or \&l\ follows, the sound represented by t or tt is pronounced in most American speech as a voiced flap produced by the tongue tip tapping the teethridge. In similar contexts the sound represented by d or dd has the same pronunciation. Thus, the pairs ladder and latter, leader and liter, parody and parity are often homophones."

-----Original Message-----
From: American Dialect Society on behalf of Tom Zurinskas
Sent: Mon 6/11/2007 7:20 PM
Subject:      Re: For words ending in "-ity" is it ~t or ~d

SUMMARY  - as spoken in;
Most words ending in "ity" are spoken as ~idee.
This sample is large and sufficient.
Dictionaries should recognize this fact.

The American Dialect Society -

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