"liquid" language

James Harbeck jharbeck at SYMPATICO.CA
Wed Jun 13 04:04:49 UTC 2007

>Off topic, but I'll note that Geraldo Rivera, Ann Coulter, and a
>left-of-center lawyer friend of mine all agree that the celebutard
>in question got a tougher sentence (jail time, no house arrest or
>community service) than anybody they'd ever heard of for the offense
>she committed, i.e. driving for the third time with a license
>suspended for the first time for
>   DW[barely]I. She had not been involved in an accident.
>   So her celubutardy worked against her.

Actually, the sheriff also said that usually a first offender with no
priors gets no jail time. And of course they need their cells for
people a little more dangerous than some celebutard. Without a doubt
her celebrity worked against her -- because she's such a visible
example, they have to show a) that you can go to jail for this, and
b) that they're not favouring her just because she's rich and white.

She's had lots of the upside of celebrity. Now she gets a rather
sharp taste of the downside. So it goes. Three weeks and she'll be
home again. (I reckon she'll be released by halfway through her 45

But apparently now she's saying she's done with the whole dumb act.
Oh goody. I can hardly wait.

James Harbeck.

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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