Another kind of buddy

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Thu Jun 14 13:45:39 UTC 2007

Gee, the experiences I miss and can't use to supply data to ADS-L --
I don't read spam or go to bars.

Laurence Horn wrote:
>I noticed that today's mail brought two pieces of spam, one with the
>subject line "Hey, Pal" and the other just "Hey".  Neither struck me
>as terribly polite.  No "Hey, buddy"s in today's batch, although one
>contained the subject line "Thank you, we are ready to lend you
>money"; I'm holding out for an "Excuse me, sir".


Paul Johnson wrote:
>"Pal" seemed to be used more often as an aggressive, derogatory  comment
>then as a friendly greeting. People seem to start calling each other
>"pal" just before the bar fight starts.


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