Wilson Gray hwgray at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jun 22 03:33:26 UTC 2007

On 6/21/07, Mullins, Bill AMRDEC <Bill.Mullins at us.army.mil> wrote:
> ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
> Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
> Poster:       "Mullins, Bill AMRDEC" <Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL>
> Subject:      OED Appeals list (UNCLASSIFIED)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED
> Caveats: NONE
> there is a rotten/bad apple in every barrel:
> antedate 1971

Google Books. Rev. J. G. Anderson; _Down Hill and Up Hill_. 1911, p.129
... [A] rotten apple in the middle of a barrel of sound ones ... will
rot every one around it.


> "Adolf Rupp Puts Blame On Writers" _The Hartford Courant_; Jan 19, 1951;
> pg. 17 col 5.
> "There are a few bad apples in every barrel but by culling them out
> early you can do much to prevent a recurrence."
> "KENNEDY ORDERS WAR ON GAMBLING" _New York Times_ ; Feb 24, 1959; pg. 19
> col 5.
> "Referring to charges of corruption within the Department, Mr. Kennedy
> rejected the "platitudinous expression" that "there are always a few
> rotten apples in every barrel."
> "City Corruption" [unsigned editorial] _New York Times_ ; Nov 18, 1959;
> pg. 40 col 2.
> "We are commonly told that there are a "few bad apples" in every
> barrel."
> awardee:
> antedate 1958
> (now antedated to 1943)
> "PROPOUNDS A NEW THEORY OF MATTER" New York Times; Apr 28, 1920; pg. 10
> col 8.
> "The Henry Draper gold medal, awarded to Alfred Fowler, of the Imperial
> College, England, for researches in celestial and laboratory
> spectroscopy, was presented to Sir Auckland Geddes, the British
> Ambassador, in behalf of the awardee, at the annual dinner of the
> society tonight."
> bachelor pad:
> antedate 1976
> (now antedated to 1963)
> [classified ad] _Van Nuys [California] News_ June 12 1960 p. 15B col 9.
> "Swingin' Bachelor Pad.  Pool, tennis court.  View."
> "He Copes with a Convention of Comics" CHARLES DENTON; _The Hartford
> Courant_; Sep 2, 1962; pg. 2G col 4.
> "Then, when the bride balked, Sullivan flashed the decorator to do the
> place strictly as a bachelor pad."
> baby shower (U.S.):
> antedate 1967
> (now antedated to 1937)
> "A Gift for Baby" _New York Times_; Sep 4, 1910; pg. X5
> "The cost is never higher than would commonly be paid for any useful
> christening or baby shower gift."
> "Surprise Baby Shower," _Waterloo [Iowa] Evening Courier_, Feb 24 1911
> p. 9 col 3.
> "Mrs. Henry Petersona nd Mrs. Armstrong of Galloway addition arranged a
> pleasant surprise for Mrs. Harry Foster when ten ladies went to her home
> in Galloway yesterday afternoon and gave her a baby shower."
> bodice-ripper n. (explicit romantic novel):
> antedate 1981
> (now antedated to 1980)
> "She ... uh, He Writes Romantic Novels" By LAWRENCE VAN GELDER.  _New
> York Times_; Sep 2, 1979; pg. LI2
> "Vanessa Royall is also less than 2 years old, but despite this relative
> youthfulness is enjoying a good reputation and lucrative income as the
> author of the sort of breathless historical romances (the latest is
> "Come Faith, Come Fire") that are known in the publishing trade as
> bodice-rippers."
> claustrophobe n. (a sufferer of claustrophobia):
> antedate 1974
> (now antedated to 1957)
> "Hollywood Gossip" _The Newark [Ohio] Advocate_ Jan 24 1936; p. 3 col 2.
> "Warner Baxter is a claustrophobe; hates small or crowded rooms."
> "THE SCREEN" [unsigned movie review]_New York Times_; Aug 21, 1939;  pg.
> 14
> "Still and all, life is confining enough, goodness knows; we insist that
> the movies, at least, might be kinder to claustrophobes."
> donor fatigue:
> antedate 1984
> (now antedated to 1973)
> Times_; Jun 25, 1948; pg. 25 col 1.
> "Donor fatigue is a natural result of inflation."
> don't call us .. (we'll call you) (phr.):
> antedate 1987, or any exx. in print
> (now antedated to 1959; variants also accepted (e.g. with 'ring'))
> "Guys and Dolls Lexicon" By GILBERT MILLSTEIN. _New York Times_; Feb 17,
> 1952; Magazine section, pg. 20 col 3.
> "Keep in touch with the office -- Means the reverse; don't bother us;
> stay out of the way; a variation of the casting director's "Don't call
> us, we'll call you." "
> Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED
> Caveats: NONE
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

All say, "How hard it is that we have to die"---a strange complaint to
come from the mouths of people who have had to live.
                                              -Sam'l Clemens

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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