OED Appeals list (UNCLASSIFIED); Ghost-Written Famous Quotations

Doug Harris cats22 at FRONTIERNET.NET
Fri Jun 22 14:28:18 UTC 2007

I believe it was a New Yorker cartoon with a great variation on this theme:
A man on a telephone saying, "No, Thursday won't work. How about never?"
I've been known to, in response to the opposite type 'when do you need it'
question, say, "What time is it now?" But always in jest, of course.
(the other) doug

> In a message dated 6/21/2007 5:14:38 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL writes:
> don't  call us .. (we'll call you) (phr.):
> antedate 1987, or any exx. in  print
> (now antedated to 1959; variants also accepted (e.g. with  'ring'))
> "Guys and Dolls Lexicon" By GILBERT MILLSTEIN. _New York  Times_; Feb 17,
> 1952; Magazine section, pg. 20 col 3.
> "Keep in touch  with the office -- Means the reverse; don't bother us;
> stay out of the way;  a variation of the casting director's "Don't call
> us, we'll call you."  "

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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