Steve Hartman Keiser
s.hartman.keiser at MARQUETTE.EDU
Fri Mar 2 21:17:41 UTC 2007
I¹m curious about the interjection ³umba!² (mid-central vowels in both
syllables, stress on first syllable, second syllable can be lengthened).
I recall using this as a child (Cedar Falls, IA circa 1975) when someone was
doing something that would or should get them in trouble. As in ³Umba!
You¹re gonna get it now!² or ³Umba! I can¹t believe you just said that!² or
just ³Umbaaa!²
Has anyone else heard this? Is there regional/social variation in the form
of this set of interjections? I think something along the lines of
³ooooooo² (high back tense vowel) with rising or rise/fall intonation is
pretty common these days.
Steve Hartman Keiser
Assistant Professor. Linguistics.
English Department, Marquette University
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