"post-traumatic syndrome" 1960

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Sat Mar 31 01:27:37 UTC 2007

What does OED3 now have for "post-traumatic syndrome"?  The earliest
I find in OED2 is 1973; and for "post-traumatic stress syndrome", 1989.

Modern specialists classify Sumner's illness as "post-traumatic
syndrome," in which numerous symptoms without objective causes follow
a traumatic experience, such as an accident (trauma) in which the
patient is not seriously injured.

1960.  David Donald, Charles Sumner and the Coming of the Civil War
(NY, Alfred A. Knopf).

In : The Historian as Detective: Essays on Evidence, Robin W. Winks,
ed. (NY: Harper & Row, 1969), 364.


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