non-6-sided dice > number cubes

James Harbeck jharbeck at SYMPATICO.CA
Fri Oct 26 02:18:47 UTC 2007

>Its too bad they didn't adopt RPG nomenclature for dice; I would have liked it
>if the example would had read "John was tossing 1d4 and 1d7."

LOL! Now I remember that terminology! Obviously I was never a major
RPGer, and I haven't touched one in a couple of decades.

The problem would be what the d stands for... the word that was
deemed too evocative of gambling in the first place (the editors who
informed me of this were of the mind that that was hte issue; as to
the die/dice plural issue, that would have been something that the
editors would have been in a position to exercise rather more
influence on -- it's the political stuff that overrules).

James Harbeck.

The American Dialect Society -

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