X marrying Y <> Y marrying X?
Dennis Preston
preston at MSU.EDU
Thu Sep 13 12:17:53 UTC 2007
I never knew what his/her/its name was either, but I confess I do not
know if, for example, Spanish Jews write "D--s." Or will "Di-s" or
"D-os" do the trick? How can this be taken care of in Chinese?
Anybody out there got this info?
>---------------------- Information from the mail header
>Sender: American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
>Poster: Charles Doyle <cdoyle at UGA.EDU>
>Subject: Re: X marrying Y <> Y marrying X?
>What is it about those graphic vowels that seems to carry the weight
>of the taboos ("f*ck," "sh*t," etc.)??
>I still have an occasional Jewish student who will write the word
>"God" as "G-d." As if "God" is really the unutterable and
>unwritabale NAME, when H- said H-s name is "- -m" . . .
>---- Original message ----
>>Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 22:44:59 -0400
>>From: James Harbeck <jharbeck at SYMPATICO.CA>
>>Subject: Re: X marrying Y <> Y marrying X?
>>>"(REDACTED) jobs"? Why on earth ...
>>I too find that funny (sort of like "assh*le" or "ass****", which
>>I've seen on occasion).
>>James Harbeck.
>The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org
Dennis R. Preston
University Distinguished Professor
Department of English
Morrill Hall 15-C
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48864 USA
The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org
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