Slight antedating of chain gang (1813)

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Wed Sep 19 22:37:40 UTC 2007

Slightly earlier, apparently the same news report:

Mercantile Advertiser (New York), Sept. 9, 1813, page 2. col. 2.
Poulson's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia), Sept. 9, 1813, page 2.
Newburyport Herald, Sept. 10, 1813, page 3, col. 1.
Albany Register, Sept. 14, 1813, page 4, col. 1.

(America's Historic Newspapers.)


At 9/19/2007 08:07 AM, Stephen Goranson wrote:
>ads-l archive has 1831
>Daily National Intelligencer, (Washington, DC) Saturday, September 18, 1813;
>Issue 223; page 3, col A [19th C US Newspapers]
>      Tremendous Hurricane. Particulars of the Dreadful and Almost
> Unparalleled
>Hurricane, Which Has Again Very Nearly Desolated the unfortunate island of
>Roseau, July 28....
>[Col. C]
>The few prisoners confined for debt at the jail in Roseau, in
>consequence of its
>dilapidated state, were released under parole of honor to surrender, and the
>chain gang of culprits is delivered over to their owners.
>Stephen Goranson
>The American Dialect Society -

The American Dialect Society -

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