Stoop in DARE

Barnhart barnhart at HIGHLANDS.COM
Tue Sep 25 09:18:33 UTC 2007

Dear Nadia,

Welcome back.  Of course, DARE or Wentworth are obvious places to go.  I
looked in the World Book Dictionary at the etymology (You could use the
Barnbart Dictionary of Etymology, too, or Merriam Webster's Collegiate,
for that matter).  The source is Dutch _stoep_.  So, the probable origin
in spite of its widespread usage, is New Jersey and the Hudson and
Susquehanna valleys of New York.  Another place to keep in mind would be
the Dictionary of Americanisms (1952).


barnhart at
Lexik at

American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> writes:
>---------------------- Information from the mail header
>Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
>Poster:       Nadia Pazolis-Gabriel <nadpaz3 at GMAIL.COM>
>Subject:      Stoop in DARE
>Dear all,
>A faithful reader of this wonderful listserv until last year, I got too
>with school and work and had to unscubscribe.
>Today, I'm back on the list to satisfy my curiosity!
>I am a graduate student in Library Science. In my Reference class, we are
>currently studying encyclopedias and dictionaries.
>The teacher asked us a tricky question about the regional use of a word:
>"Where in the US is the word "stoop" popularly used to mean a porch?"
>We students all had DARE in mind.
>Little did we know: There's no volume 5 yet - so, no way to look up the
>entry for "stoop" - and the entry at "porch" doesn't help much.
>My husband told me "Oh, in Buffalo we used stoop for porch!"
>Could someone tell us what DARE would say?
>Thank you!
>Nadia Gabriel
>The American Dialect Society -

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