"mosquito" = annoying buzzing person

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Thu Apr 17 13:19:40 UTC 2008

A friend with whom I ate lunch yesterday later referred in
complimentary terms to our waiter as not having been a
mosquito.  Urban dictionary has a definition dated July 18, 2006 of
"Someone who buzzes around you, never stopping their chit-chat even
when they are asked to, and although their voice and\or subject of
discussion is extremely annoying. Being a mosquito is very common in
preteens(especially if those maniacs are [expletive deleted] gifted),
but can be found also in adults."

Very close to my friend's usage, although we did not ask him to buzz
off and his voice was not especially annoying.

Not in OED3 draft revision March 2008.


The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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