God only gave me two hands. The rest he gave to the Indians.

Doug Harris cats22 at FRONTIERNET.NET
Mon Aug 4 15:53:48 UTC 2008

Either that's a _very_young grandma, or the phrase has nothing to do
with (American) Indians (AKA Native Americans) and casinos -- which is
what I would have suspected.

Quoting Grant Barrett <gbarrett at WORLDNEWYORK.ORG>:

> ---------------------- Information from the mail header
> -----------------------
> Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
> Poster:       Grant Barrett <gbarrett at WORLDNEWYORK.ORG>
> Subject:      God only gave me two hands. The rest he gave to the Indians.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Does anyone know anything about the expression, "God only gave me two
> hands. The rest he gave to the Indians," or if it is even widespread
> at all? I have it from the grandmother of a friend; the grandmother
> has been saying it her entire life. My database and Internet searches
> turn up nothing for it.
> Thanks,
> Grant Barrett
> gbarrett at worldnewyork.org

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