heterogram, not in OED

Mark Mandel thnidu at GMAIL.COM
Tue Aug 5 17:50:25 UTC 2008

I found this term in, I think, Windfuhr's _Persian Grammar_ (Mouton, 1979,
ISBN 90 279 7774 2), and couldn't find it in OED. ~1600 raw googits, no help
on the first page of them, which mostly define it as a word in which no
letter occurs more than once. Adding "Persian" to the search brought up


A particular type of ideogram or logogram commonly found in the cuneiform
scripts of the ancient Near East is that which is sometimes referred to as a
"heterogram" (from Greek heteros "other"). The term refers to a graph
borrowed from another language (in which it may have been either ideographic
or phonetic), ...

(Text trimmed and quotes ASCIIfied in hopes of not breaking the ADS

Mark Mandel

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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