Kenneth Starr & Stanley Fish Quotes (UNCLASSIFIED)

Mullins, Bill AMRDEC Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL
Thu Aug 7 21:23:17 UTC 2008

Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

The publicity quotes go well before Stanley Fish:

"Wild Bill" Had Dismal Fling" [Hornell, NY] Evening Tribune-Times,
9/25/1923 p. 8 col 4
" "Any sort of publicity is good publicity for me," sayeth "Wild Bill"

"TOPICS OF THE TIMES." New York Times; Jun 8, 1927; pg. 24
"Now that they are being revealed, people wonder whether the theatres
were sincere when they agreed that "any publicity is good publicity." "

"Saga of Circus Mellow, Rich And Historical" LUCIOUS BEEBE, OAKLAND
TRIBUNE, SUNDAY, JULY 5, 1936 p. 2B col 6
"It can't be bought for any amount of money, and there is no such thing
as bad publicity. "  [This was from a review of 'This Way to the Big
Show' by Dexter Fellows, so the quote may well be in that book.]

"Looking at Hollywood" Ed Sullivan Chicago Daily Tribune ; Apr 8, 1940;
pg. 17
"There is no such thing as bad publicity."

> <snip>
> When he chaired the Duke English Department, Stanley was very
> fond of = saying, "There is no such thing as bad
> publicity"and "All publicity is good publicity"--I realize
> that these aphorisms are probably not original = with him.
> <snip>
Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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