"barbecue pit"

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Tue Aug 12 00:54:27 UTC 2008

At 5:44 PM -0700 8/11/08, Benjamin Barrett wrote:
>>>I agree. Looking at Google images for both "barbecue pit" and
>>>"barbeque pit" brings up top items such as grills that are not holes
>>>in the ground, though. BB
>>Oh, absolutely, absolutely. Discussions of barbecue can be as
>>and divisive as those of chili (or chile).
>What's the issue about chilis? BB
Not chiles (the peppers) but chili/chile (the stew).  Main bones, or
beans, of contention:  +/- tomatoes, +/- beans, ground beef vs.
chunks of beef (of various sizes).  It can get pretty bloody.


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