Draft of Checklist of Electronic Resources (Version 5) (UNCLASSIFIED)

Mullins, Bill AMRDEC Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL
Tue Aug 12 23:00:47 UTC 2008

Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE

> ---------------------- Information from the mail header
> -----------------------
> Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
> Poster:       "Shapiro, Fred" <fred.shapiro at YALE.EDU>
> Subject:      Re: Draft of Checklist of Electronic Resources
> (Version 5)
> --------------------------------------------------------------


> Does Ancestry.com have anything not also in Newspaperarchive?

I don't believe that the _Stars and Stripes_ I mentioned are in
N'Archive.  (and those are the only newspapers I know of in

> Obviously it is a judgment call whether state newspaper
> projects or individual newspapers or individual college
> newspapers are major enough to be included on my list.  Have
> any of the state newspaper projects reached the point where
> they have a lot of useful searchable text?  For the college
> newspapers, the Harvard Crimson is the only one that I have
> found to be at all productive in finding antedatings.  Has
> anyone else found any of the others to be that useful?

I don't recall finding anything useful in any of the college databases,
with the possible exception of some stuff in the MIT Tech.  But college
students are on the cutting edge of some slang, so it seems worthy to
list the databases.

> Has anyone found the Mad Magazine or Rolling Stone archives
> to be useful in finding antedatings?

Don't own them so I can't say.

> I recall that Sporting News is digitized somewhere.  Where is
> that?  Paperofrecord? 

Yes.  As is the Baltimore Afro-American.  But Paperofrecord's search
interface SUCKS. 

More misc databases:

Agricola (bibliographic)

Alberta Newspaper collection (browsable, not searchable)

American Chemical Society Publications (Scholarly Journals)

American Mathematical Society Journals (Scholarly Journals)

American State Papers (through Readex)

Barrington [IL] Review

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists archives

Colorado Historical Newspapers

Early American Imprints I and II (from Readex)

Ebscohost (broad coverage of many current newspapers and journals)

Electric Library (broad coverage of many current newspapers, news

Gale Group miscellaneous databases

Infotrac Newspapers 

Linda Hall Library Digital Collections (historical science and
engineering journals, etc.)

Loislaw (similar coverage to Heinonline, Lexis, Westlaw)

Missouri Historical Newspapers Project


Northern Junket Index

Northern New York Historical Newspapers

Peel's Prarie Provinces (Canadian Newspapers)

Project Muse (Scholarly journals)

RIA Checkpoint (Tax Law and other legal, from Thomson)

Sage Journals Online (Scholarly Journals)

Searchable Ornithological Research Archive

ScienceDirect Journals (Scholarly Journals from Elsevier)

Small Town Papers Archive

SpringerLink (Scholarly Journals from Springer-Verlag)

TRAIL Technical Report Archive and Image Library

Twentieth Century American  Poetry (Chadwyck-Healey)

Twentieth Century English  Poetry (Chadwyck-Healey)

Utah Digital Newspapers

Wiley InterScience (Scholarly Journals, John Wiley & Sons)

Wilson OmniFile (broad coverage of many scholarly topics)

The following are e-print services of current and recent scholarly

ARXIV.ORG (math, physics, comp sci, etc.)

www.doaj.org Directory of Open Access Journals

http://repositories.cdlib.org/escholarship/ Univ of California
eScholarship repository

http://www.ssrn.com Social Sciences Research Network (papers in law,
humanities, etc.)


Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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