"war" [wor]

Michael Covarrubias mcovarru at PURDUE.EDU
Fri Aug 15 06:27:16 UTC 2008

LanDi Liu wrote:
> "Pair" and "dare" are not minimal pairs because the difference ([p] vs
> [d]) involve different places of articulation, so the difference is
> not "minimal".
> "Shit" and "sheet" are minimal pairs because both vowels are high
> front vowels, with the second higher and fronter than the first.
> Randy

You don't consider [per] and [der] a minimal pair Randy? I do. I've
always gone with a single phoneme distinction not just a single feature.

Interesting. What about differences in place with identical manner and
voicing. Would you consider that a minimal pair? Does it depend of the
inventory of the language you're studying?


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