Shart (n., v.)
Neal Whitman
nwhitman at AMERITECH.NET
Thu Aug 21 02:50:33 UTC 2008
I've only heard this referred to as a "surprise."
----- Original Message -----
From: "Scot LaFaive" <slafaive at GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 8:49 PM
Subject: Shart (n., v.)
> ---------------------- Information from the mail
> header -----------------------
> Sender: American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
> Poster: Scot LaFaive <slafaive at GMAIL.COM>
> Subject: Shart (n., v.)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Shart": a blend of "shit" and "fart" meaning a fart that has some
> shit escape with it.
> Just got to thinking about this word today and gave Google Books and
> Groups a look see. I found a definite hit in 2001 with a possible
> earlier hit in 2000. There are also two interesting hits from 1993
> that may or may not be related to this meaning of "shart." Enjoy.
> 2001: "> THE SURPRISE POOPIE: You're not even at the toilet because
> you are sure you are about to fart, but *oops* --- a poopie!
> Otherwise known as a "shart"."
> 2000: "Why don't you try that book that that Frenchman wrote.You know,
> the man that could fart the French National anthem. It impressed me
> enormously. Infact I almost shart meself."
> 1993: "To make matters worse, in order to get my goalie back in the
> net, I have to call a timeout, which won't come until the next
> faceoff. This means I have to resort to slashing the shart out of
> anything that moves."
> 1993: "Most of my deaths have come from either screwing up and flying
> into the ground, or having my plane shot to shart with AAA/Sam fire."
> Scot
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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