
Prof. Roland Sussex sussex at UQ.EDU.AU
Fri Dec 26 06:15:54 UTC 2008

The usage ³numeral + -fer² is common in Australian cricket commentary. If a
bowler gets two batsmen out in an innings he is said to have a ³twofer² -
two wickets for x runs (x unspecified). It¹s more common to refer to larger
numbers of wickets, especially 5 and above (there are 10 in an innings):
fivefer, sixfer, and so on.

Roly Sussex

The University of Queensland

Date:    Thu, 25 Dec 2008 18:02:23 -0500
From:    Mark Mandel <thnidu at GMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: A "twofer"

The cartoon character's before my time.

Your post sent me to M-W Online. I've always known of the theater
definition (#2), but the others were new to me. Your example looks
like an extension of #3.

Etymology: alteration of two for (one)
1: a cheap item of merchandise ; especially : a cigar selling at two
for a nickel
2: a free coupon entitling the bearer to purchase two tickets to a
specified theatrical production for the price of one
3: two articles available for the price of one or about the price of one
4: something that satisfies two criteria or needs simultaneously
Mark Mandel

On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 11:41 PM, Wilson Gray <hwgray at gmail.com> wrote:
> I recently saw a CD album offered as a "_twofer_," in that it was
> comprised of two former Lp albums re-recorded as a single CD. Does
> anyone else remember the cartoon character from back in the 'Forties,
> "_Twofer_ A. Nickel," the mascot of Hostess Cupcakes?
> -Wilson

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