
Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Wed Feb 13 02:27:06 UTC 2008

At 2/12/2008 08:17 PM, Jonathan Lighter wrote:
>If you don't know what "crunk" means, you gotta be over thirty or at
>least closin' in!

Can you tell us over-30-somethings?  Or was it a hoax?  Or will it
blow up my Eudora?


>   Here's an interesting historical quote that may or may not mean
> squat.. I found it on a scrawled slip of paper I was about to ditch:
>   1994 Conan O'Brien on _Showbiz Today_ (CNN-TV) (Apr. 4):  Use our
> new swear word "crunk" !   It's so new that no one knows how vile
> and filthy it really is!
>   Go for it.
>   JL
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