hackleschmackle; was: Re: FW: blends? eggcorns?

Mark Mandel thnidu at GMAIL.COM
Sat Jan 5 01:17:30 UTC 2008

I understood it right away. 'Messed up', +/-. Maledited.

m a m

On Jan 4, 2008 4:59 PM, Cohen, Gerald Leonard <gcohen at mst.edu> wrote:

> Hackleschmackled? (See last sentence below).  Does this word really =
> exist?  Origin?
> I see only one entry for "hackleschmackle" on Google, as what looks like =
> a humorously invented proper name: "...I saw Roger being carried on =
> stage in an electric suit in 87 when they headlined for Starpoint ("What =
> You Been Missing"), RJ's Latest (a favorite of Mrs. =
> Hackleschmackle)...."
> =20
> What's going on here?
> =20
> Gerald Cohen
> ________________________________
> From: American Dialect Society on behalf of James Harbeck
> Sent: Thu 1/3/2008 10:26 PM
> Subject: Re: FW: blends? eggcorns?
> >         "Dr Nelson sold the Super Hornet option to cabinet's National =
> =3D
> >Security Committee this year without the co-operation of defence chiefs =
> =3D
> >or undertaking the long due diligence and comparative analysis that =3D
> >usually precedes acquisitions of such scale and expense."
> Oh, this makes sense. Due diligence and comparative analysis take a
> long time. So it's a [long [due diligence] and [comparative
> analysis]]. The paragraph James Landau posted should have read
> something like "the undertaking of the long due diligence and
> comparative analysis process." Evidently it was hackleschmackled by
> someone who didn't really understand it.
> James Harbeck.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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