Antedating of Flea Market

Stephen Goranson goranson at DUKE.EDU
Tue Jul 8 11:32:51 UTC 2008

Interesting. The same item appears (via Gale) in Daily Evening Bulletin, (San
Francisco, CA) Monday, August 17, 1891; pg. 4; Issue 112; col C. Encept
it does
not have the "in Paris" gloss. So there may be an earlier source in French?
Stephen Goranson

Quoting Sam Clements <SClements at NEO.RR.COM>:

> OED and MW11 both have 1922.
> N'archive has _Janesville(WI) Gazette_  4 November 1891 p, 3/4
>  "Near the Barriere de Montreuil, in Paris, they have sales of odds
> and ends known as the "flea market."  A woman recently bought a
> dilapidated old mattress and, cutting it open, found 14,000 francs in
> gold."
> Sam Clements
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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