
James Harbeck jharbeck at SYMPATICO.CA
Fri Jun 13 04:16:23 UTC 2008

The government of Canada is enforcing some new policies with its
websites, one consequence of which is an announcement I recently
received that they will be redoing the Health Canada site and all the
URLs will be changing. This will make several hundred thousand (by
Google) existing links to pages invalid, since they're
only keeping their redirects up for a short time. In the context of a
discussion of this, I encountered a term which I am surprised not to
recall encountering before: linkrot. The one-word version gets 26,000
hits; the two-word version (link rot) gets 461,000 hits. A real
winner of a term, I'd say -- I'm sure to use it with a certain
frequency. I wonder whether the increasing tendency to close up
compounds over time will evidence itself in this case too.

James Harbeck.

The American Dialect Society -

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