
James Harbeck jharbeck at SYMPATICO.CA
Sat Jun 14 16:53:07 UTC 2008

I agree about Google numbers -- sorry, it was terribly lazy of me
just to toss those in. I was just remembering to post that term to
the list late in the evening, but of course it doesn't take much
longer to do a search on a more reliable source. Still, if we
approach the Google numbers knowing what we know about Google, they
can give us a starting idea, I suppose.

That 1996 cite is good. Thanks. The other terms he cites don't seem
to have quite the legs this one does. "Deboning," for instance, is
something I do with every magazine I get, but I would never use the
term; it's not immediately clear enough.

James Harbeck.

The American Dialect Society -

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