
Tom Zurinskas truespel at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Jun 17 02:35:51 UTC 2008

Vozme.com changes text to voice at edress below.  Just paste in text and click "create MP3" to hear.


I entered the following to see which were pronounced better

english english english
eenglish eenglish eenglish
inglish inglish inglish

linguist linguist linguist
leenguist leenguist leenguist

Which would you think sounded most like m-w.com pronunciation?  I'd say eenglish leenguist.

I'm thinking now that text run through the truespel converter would be easy to encode into voice.  All one need to do is assign sounds to each of the 40 phoneme spellings of truespel.  Stressed syllable is shown as well.

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