"the" before country name

Gillian Kyles vaggmk at EARTHLINK.NET
Mon May 12 20:53:26 UTC 2008

>---------------------- Information from the mail header
>Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
>Poster:       Doug Harris <cats22 at FRONTIERNET.NET>
>Subject:      Re: "the" before country name
>I could be behind the times, but last time I was aware, the British
>still said "the Palestine".
  This Brit was born in Palestine and I have never heard it referred
to with a "the". However, at the age of 5 we moved to The Sudan!

Gillian Kyles
203 Riverside Avenue
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902


The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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