New(?) names for open-toed shoes ...

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Tue May 13 03:28:16 UTC 2008

At 4:32 PM -0400 5/12/08, Wilson Gray wrote:
>... as they were known in my youth:
>Peek-toe shoes
>Peep-toe shoes

any relation to peekytoe crab?  I haven't seen those on feet, but
they do, show up on menus.


>Show-toe shoes
>Toe-cleavage shoes
>As far as I can tell, nobody uses "open-toed" anymore. But I don't get
>around much.
>All say, "How hard it is that we have to die"---a strange complaint to
>come from the mouths of people who have had to live.
>                                               -Sam'l Clemens
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