Scots dialect samples
Wilson Gray
hwgray at GMAIL.COM
Mon Nov 3 13:59:10 UTC 2008
The tale is no longer there, as far as I can tell. But there are links
to other examples of spoken Scots from the UPenn language collection.
The speaker on one of the tapes mentions "the real [m at kai]."
I could actually kind of understand the Scots. This strikes me as odd,
because I've heard Aussie speakers - in real life, not just in the
movies or on TV - that I couldn't understand *at all.* When I was in
the Army, I could easily understand the speech of Capt. Coneybear -
this surname freaked out us Americans, but we thought that his uniform
"berry," i.e. "beret," was really cool - of the Durham Light Infantry.
OTOH, I found the speech of an EM named "Michael" to be totally
incomprehensible. He was a *very* friendly bloke who was always down
for a chat, but I could only smile and nod. Since I couldn't
understand a word, there was no way that I could comment or answer a
question. Nevertheless, this seemed to be sufficient unto the
occasion, since he really seemed to enjoy our tete-a-tetes quite bit.
I have no idea whether Michael was also a member of the Light
Infantry, since I couldn't understand the insignia on his uiform,
either. He didn't wear a berry, but it's SOP for officers and EM not
to have identical uniforms.
FWIW, I miss the old "cunt cap." I think that the idea that all
members of all units should wear berets sucks. It's unfortunate that
the Army didn't bother to ask my opinion.
On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 9:10 PM, James Harbeck <jharbeck at> wrote:
> ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
> Sender: American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
> Poster: James Harbeck <jharbeck at SYMPATICO.CA>
> Subject: Scots dialect samples
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For those interested in hearing sound clips (several minutes) of
> interesting Scots dialect, here's a good site I got forwarded:
> -----
> Celebrate a traditional Scots Halloween with neepy lanterns, ghaists
> and guising.
> The Scots Language Centre has a programe packed with spooky stories,
> seasonal music and videos.
> Start the celebrations by listening in as Mary Blance recounts this
> disturbing tale of premature burial in Shetland
> Guid guising wishes fae aabodie at the
> Scots Language Centre
> A K Bell Library
> York Place
> Perth
> PH2 8EP
> Tele: 01738 440199
> <>
> Scots Language Resource Centre Association Ltd.
> t/a Scots Language Centre,
> A.K. Bell Library, York Place, Perth, Scotland PH2
> 8EP
> Registered in Scotland as an Industrial &
> Provident Society No. 2451R(S).
> Scottish Charity No. SCO21747
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society -
All say, "How hard it is that we have to die"---a strange complaint to
come from the mouths of people who have had to live.
-Mark Twain
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