Q: "coned", v. (past tense), 1741

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Thu Nov 27 00:54:15 UTC 2008

At 7:35 PM -0500 11/26/08, Joel S. Berson wrote:
>What is "coned" in the following,a written by an intelligent and
>well-read 20-year old South-Carolinian miss in1742, describing her
>study of law from a book and writing wills for a few neighbors?
>"I know I have done no harm for I coned my lesson very perfect and
>know how to convey by will Estates real and personal and never forget
>in its proper place, him and his heirs for Ever ..."
>The editors of her journal do explain a few other words unusual to us
>today, but don't say a word here.
I'd wager an irregularly spelled passed tense of the verb _con_:

1. To study, peruse, or examine carefully. 2. To learn or commit to memory.


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